Intensive Outpatient for Addiction Treatment in California Explained

Intensive Outpatient for Addiction Treatment in California Explained

There’s somewhat of a misconception out there that all types of rehab and treatment for substance abuse involve completely separating you from your daily life. Pulling you away from everything and going away for a few months.

That type of treatment certainly does exist and it’s called inpatient rehab. It serves a very real and important purpose for those grappling with an addiction of any kind because some people require that type of round the clock care

If your addiction is severe or you struggle with near constant urges to use your substance of choice, an inpatient facility may be exactly what you need.

However, rehab, like clothing, isn’t one size fits all and ultimately you want (and deserve) a program that fits your unique needs.

Your addiction may be on the more serious side but perhaps it doesn’t necessitate a month or two away. Or maybe you’ve just finished up a stay at a residential inpatient facility, feeling great, but not quite ready to be thrown straight back into your old life.

That’s where something like intensive outpatient programs come into play.

What Is an Intensive Outpatient California?

A precursor to what is intensive outpatient care is what is outpatient care in general?

Outpatient rehab is a sort of stripped-down version of inpatient care in the sense that it’s not 24/7 and you’re not living at a treatment center. Outpatient care allows you to get your independence back and apply the skills and techniques you learned in rehab to life outside of the rehab.

You’ll still have a robust schedule of counseling, both individual and group, complementary therapies as well as whatever else your program requires, but you’ll be commuting back and forth.

You might be wondering where does “intensive” fit into this then?

Well, an intensive outpatient program is something that is meant to deliver the intensity of inpatient care in an outpatient setting. It’s for those that need that extra attention and assistance. Think of it like training wells on a bike, sure you can probably ride but is it safe to do it with some safety mechanism in place?

That’s the idea of the programs.

The goal is the same across the board and important to keep in mind: prevent relapse.

Not everyone moves through treatment at the same pace and that’s ok. Intensive outpatient in California could be the perfect stepping stone on your journey of recovery.

What Addictions Are Treated in an Intensive Outpatient Program?

A great question.

The answer here is more of a function of each individual rehab center. Certain facilities are specialized in the types of addiction they deal with. Some are focused on alcohol use disorder while others are well versed in the needs of those dealing with opioid addiction and yet others are geared towards helping people with a dual diagnosis.

Taking it from that perspective, the answer is that all addictions can be treated in an intensive outpatient setting however it’s a matter of finding the right option for you.

How Addiction Treatment Solutions Can Find You an Intensive Outpatient Programs

Nowadays, given the normalization of talking about addiction, there are a lot of wonderful choices that have sprouted up around California and around the country. Treatment centers that are uniquely suited and specialized in handling the addiction you’re going through. That knows exactly what it feels like and how to get to the other side of it.

Addiction Treatment Solutions is here as your resource in that search. Reach out to us and let us help find you a solution that works.

What Is a Sober Living Home in California?

sober living home california

On the journey from substance abuse to sobriety, a person goes through many transformations and transitions along the way. There are shades of grey in the process just as there are in everything else in life. While the steps themselves can be explained distinctly, i.e. detox to inpatient to aftercare, they flow into each other.

Nowhere is that transition clearer, and potentially more game-changing, than sober living homes. After a stay in an inpatient facility, you’ve gotten used to spending your days fully focused on recovery. Between counseling, group therapy and whatever else your program entails, you haven’t had much, if any, interaction with the real world.

You can maybe see the predicament at this point.

Before treatment, you likely had some toxic influences or something that led you to substances. If you go right back to those conditions after rehab, full of potential triggers, you’re not giving yourself the best shot you can at maintaining that sobriety you just worked so hard for.

Luckily, the great state of California is home to an abundance of sober living homes which make that last transition easier to handle.

Sober Living Homes Explained

What exactly is a sober living home though?

On a basic level, it’s a group home which is free of substances. A place where people who are going through the same things as you all live together under a set of general rules that vary from home to home.

While rehab equips you with a lot of tools that will guide you through tough scenarios, putting yourself right into the line of fire and going from treatment straight back to your former day-to-day is a tough task and it increases the risk of relapse tremendously. 

That’s where the importance of being with people who understand what you’re going through comes into play and it can’t be understated. Not everyone truly gets what recovery is or how it works. Friends and family, while caring and loving, may not get it. Worse yet, you might find yourself surrounded by folks who lack empathy for what you’re dealing with entirely. At a sober living home, everyone knows what you’re going through and can offer support.

Sober living homes also are places that you can come and go from as you please. A marked difference from inpatient care. If you need to go to work, that’s ok. Activities you’ve planned, no problem. It’s your home, albeit a temporary one. But since it’s your home you’re expected to take care of it and yourself. That means cleaning, chores, etc. whatever you’d do if living on your own. This helps you set up a routine that you can carry with you going forward.

The reason for all of that is accountability. You have accountability to the people you’re there with, the home itself and, most importantly, yourself.

Additionally, a sober living home is a continuation of your treatment, just in a less intense fashion. Participating in some type of treatment is often a requirement when living in a sober living home. Whether that be outpatient care, a 12-step program or something else, you’ll be continuing the process of cementing sobriety as a foundational part of your life.

Who Should Go to a Sober Living?

Sober living homes are generally a great option and resource for anyone but they’re especially beneficial for people just getting out of an inpatient program. They provide a strong support for the lessons learned in rehab and facilitate the fostering of connections and friendships with people as committed to sobriety as you are. 

At the end of the day, a stable, drug and alcohol-free environment gives you a great shot at a successful recovery. If that sounds like something you’d benefit from, get a hold of us at Addiction Treatment Solutions and we’ll help you find the California sober living home that’s right for you.

The Ins and Outs of Drug Detox Programs

drug detox programs

Detox is considered the scary part of addiction treatment for many. You’re used to the drugs, they’re your normal, your coping mechanism and in some ways your everything. Detox is the proverbial line in the sand and that can be intimidating.
Some folks have been on the drink or drugs for so long they can scarcely remember their sober lives. That’s an uncomfortable position to be in to say the least.
There’s also just a plain fear of the unknown. How is my body going to react? What will my mind do? How long does it all last?

What if I fail?

All reasonable thoughts to be honest. The prospect of losing your crutch is a difficult one to bear but, and this is stating the obvious, getting sober requires going through detox.

Detoxification Treatment Plan

Let’s address the elephant in the room: withdrawal.
Withdrawal is what our bodies and minds go through when we stop taking a drug or drinking alcohol. It’s the reaction to having those chemicals that we’ve grown used to and dependent on…not be there anymore. It throws us into a state of disarray and the symptoms of withdrawal start very soon after your last drink or high.

Yes, there is discomfort involved.

Each substance has its own unique ways of presenting and the length of time detoxing varies as well. In addition, keep in mind that detox and withdrawal from some substances is a potentially lethal proposition. Benzos and alcohol, in particular, both coming with that risk of death, so supervision is without a doubt imperative for those.
In general though, some common symptoms that many will experience are:

  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in appetite
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Shakiness and tremors
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

It’s not comfortable, no bones about it, but you can overcome it.
At the moment it’s a seemingly gargantuan task but the further you get from it; the hurdle of detox appears smaller and smaller in the rearview. Ultimately a small price to pay for the freedom your newfound sobriety affords you.

What Are Drug Detox Programs?

Detox programs serve to alleviate as much of the suffering that comes with withdrawal as possible. Medically supervised detox under the caring and watchful eye of trained professionals is by far the safest way to go. On top of being in a dedicated facility, in cases of severe substance abuse medication can be administered to counteract the harshest symptoms allowing you to get through it easier.
Additionally, being supervised and working with someone who understands what you’re going through helps in fighting the cravings. Something you may otherwise succumb to if going it alone.
At the end of the day, you can’t start treatment in any serious way until you’ve gone through detox.
The idea is to get you clean of the substances and you can arrive in any state. Don’t worry if you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol when you show up, it’s a non-issue. If that’s the moment you need help, so be it. Come as you are.

Why Should I Do A Detoxification Treatment Plan?

The unfortunate reality of detoxing alone leads to an increased risk of relapse. The same goes for only doing detox and not proceeding further with treatment. It’s somewhat of a common misconception, that detox is the end of the story. In many ways, it’s just the beginning.

That’s why having a detox treatment plan is important. Drug detox programs should be seen as the transitionary step to your full-fledged treatment program, not an end in itself. At Addiction Treatment Solutions we work with a wide range of drug detox programs in California and can help you find the one that works best for you.

Holistic Rehab: What’s It All About?

holistic rehab

We all have our preconceived notions about what constitutes rehab. In the main, we most likely picture the one on one counseling and group therapy that traditional rehab is centered around. Those visuals are reinforced by countless movies and tv shows on the topic.

Traditional rehab is effective and the reason those images are conjured in our mind’s eye is because their techniques and methodologies that work. However, lately we’ve seen the emergence, and almost mainstreaming, of a new branch in the rehab tree known as alternative therapies. Holistic rehab treatment methods are another way to phrase it.

They aren’t intended to replace traditional treatment though, it’s complementary to the more evidenced-based techniques of the traditional approach.

What it’s all about can be found in the definition of the word holistic, which is, “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts”.

Defining Holistic Addiction Treatment

Jumping off from what holistic means, it starts to paint a picture of what holistic rehab looks like.

It’s a form of treatment that aims to treat the whole person and not just the addiction. Taking into account the effects of addiction on the entirety of the mind, body and spirit, together. It certainly can have a new-age type feel to it but numerous types of holistic treatment are a normalized part of our day to day lives. Things like yoga and acupuncture, for example, are prominently featured in holistic addiction treatment programs around the country.

Harvard noted that yoga provides natural anxiety relief and helps people deal with stress and depression.

But the world of holistic treatment is of course much larger than just yoga and acupuncture. You have an absolute abundance of options that include:

  • Mediation
  • Equine Therapy
  • Art and Music Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Reiki
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Nature Therapy

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health has an exhaustively robust list of holistic therapies and practices.

Viewing and treating addiction and substance abuse through this prism of the whole opens the door to a person seeing themselves differently and knowing themselves even better. Particularly when combined with the rigorous work of traditional therapy.

How Holistic Rehab Centers Are Different from Others

Given that holistic rehab is in and of itself different from traditional rehab, rehab centers that focus specifically on the holistic and alternative & complementary approaches are different as well.

There will be a much more thorough emphasis on building a sort of mindfulness of how everything is connected in addiction. The promotion of self-care and wellness are prominent as well.

Holistic rehabs also acknowledge that the 12-step programs which are so well known and utilized in traditional rehab programs aren’t, in fact, a great fit for everyone. Just as each person’s addiction is unique so too is their path to recovery and rehabs centered in the alternative tend to eschew the rigidity of the 12-step model.

The great thing about considering different options, i.e. how deep you’d like to dive into holistic methods, is that you’ve already taken the major first step on the path to sobriety: acknowledging that you need to make a change.

Weighing the possibilities in how to best do that for you personally feels like a whole new ballgame though with all these choices. If you’re going to opt for a more holistic approach, which of the myriad of treatments is right for you? You can find yourself swimming in too much information these days and that’s why it’s important to have a resource you can go to for answers. That’s where Addiction Treatment Solutions comes in. We provide comprehensive guidance and support and are partnered with the leading, accredited facilities so not only can we help you figure out what you need but also the options that best fit your goals and budget. 

Does Health Insurance Pay for Rehab?

does insurance pay for health insurance


Well, kind of, mostly!

So, there’s not a cut and dry, yes or no, answer to this but the great news is that it’s much more yes than no.

Things changed in a big way with the passage of the Affordable Care Act passed a number of years ago. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, “the law requires that most individual and small employer health insurance plans, including all plans offered through the Health Insurance Marketplace cover mental health and substance use disorder services. Also required are rehabilitative and habilitative services that can help support people with behavioral health challenges”.

That’s the upshot, you’re mainly covered for the traditional treatments involved in rehabs like detox, inpatient & outpatient care, counseling and medication. However, procedures and therapies that aren’t deemed medically necessary may not be covered. That includes many holistic and otherwise alternative therapies that while extremely useful, lack enough proper empirical evidence in the eyes of the insurer.

You’re mostly in good shape though.

Who Needs Rehab?

Kicking a substance use disorder is no easy task. It’s hard work and rehab is among the best ways to get to the clean side of addiction.

Someone suffering from addiction, even a mild case, by definition is having difficulty with a substance. While the severity of the addiction is indeed important in considering your rehab options, the nature of chemical dependency means professional help should never be off the table.

Unfortunately, with substance use disorders, things often get worse before they get better. A minor dependency can spiral into something more all-consuming quickly. If drugs or alcohol are taking a big toll on your health, are increasingly becoming your main focus or you’re taking larger and larger doses to catch a high or buzz, you’ll want to seriously consider rehab.

Does Insurance Cover Drug Treatment?

As previously mentioned, the ACA really represented a sea change with respect to insurance coverage. Gone are the days of not only struggling to get sober but having the added weight of figuring out how to pay for a pricey stay at a drug treatment center. 

Crucially, a good outcome in rehab is predicated on devoting adequate time to a program. The National Institute of Drug Abuse points out that, “generally, for residential or outpatient treatment, participation for less than 90 days is of limited effectiveness, and treatment lasting significantly longer is recommended for maintaining positive outcomes”.

With more time comes increased costs, so having the vast majority of plans cover, at least in part, treatment is major.

Different Ways to Pay for Rehab

While insurance these days will cover rehab, there will still be costs that you’ll incur. You’ll need to cover the costs of things like premiums, deductibles and copays along the way.

There are some plans which will cover treatment 100% after you’ve met the deductible, which can potentially be a sizable amount depending on your plan, while others will still expect you to pay a portion of coinsurance even after meeting your deductible.

And there are other variables at play that can affect your out of pocket expenses as well, like if the rehab is in or out of your network.

It’s all a little complicated and convoluted, but don’t despair! Payment for services like these is complex and unfortunately not necessarily straightforward. Because of that, it’s without a doubt necessary to get in touch with your insurance provider and learn the details of what your plan covers and who is in your network. That part is straightforward. More importantly though, know that you have a partner in Addiction Treatment Solutions, give us a call and we give you comprehensive guidance and support in working through and simplifying the quagmire of payments. One less headache to worry about.

Different Types Of Rehab Facilities

different types of rehab

Once you or a loved one has accepted the need for help in getting clean and the decision has been made to enter rehab, the next step is understanding the different types of rehab facilities out there. Each person suffering from addiction is using drugs and alcohol along a continuum which means that what helps one user get sober may not be a good, or even necessary, solution for another.

In other words, things like the severity of substance abuse, the amount of damage to the body and mind as well as many other factors play a role in what type of facility someone will go into.

Creating a plan with the highest chance of success includes understanding the rehab landscape and Addiction Treatment Solutions can help you do this. 

What Are the Different Types of Rehab Facilities?

Rehab facilities come in many shapes and sizes so to speak in terms of what they can do and/or specialize in. 


Perhaps the scariest and most viscerally intense part of the process, getting your body free of the substance you’re addicted to is paramount for moving forward in recovery. You quite literally can’t make progress without detoxing.

After being admitted, even if currently under the influence (and it’s ok to show up like that), you’ll provide your medical history and detox professionals will work to ascertain your level of drug and alcohol use. The process of detox involves close supervision and observation to mitigate the withdrawal symptoms as best as possible.

Detox is most often immediately followed by more treatment.

Residential Inpatient

This is most likely the type of facility most folks picture when they think of rehab. Residential inpatient facilities require that you live there to help avoid distractions and temptation to be able to focus all your attention on treatment. It’s immersive.

This generally comes directly after detox is complete and is where the “real work” starts. You’ll be under the care and guidance of addiction specialists and the staff of the facility throughout. 

Your particular program is catered to your needs and will include things like group and individual therapy. Additionally, depending on the facility, you may have alternative and holistic therapies available like yoga and art therapy.

The average length of time spent is 1 to 3 months.


The next in line after detox and residential inpatient are outpatient facilities. After you’ve completed your live-in treatment, outpatient programs carry you yet further towards full independence.

You’re back to living on your own but will come back to the facility for continued treatment. It may start as many visits per week and taper off as you get more comfortable in your new routine.

Outpatient treatment is usually accompanied by support groups like a 12-step program.

Sober Living

Instead of transitioning back into what could be an unhealthy and toxic environment, sober living homes are a great option to look at instead. The idea here is to share a home with people who are also in the recovery process, ones that genuinely understand your plight.

It’s moving right into a network of support that goes both ways and helps stave off and prevent relapse.

Choosing the Right One for You

Making the right call is entirely dependent on your situation and what you need to succeed. Different types of rehabs vary in what they focus on and some are better suited to meet your requirements than others. Like with anything important in life, doing the research will lead you to the promised land.

Getting Help With Addiction

Luckily, you don’t have to do that research on your own. Addiction may be an insular problem that works to isolate you from those who care about you but finding treatment doesn’t have to be a solo mission too. We understand that there are a lot of options out there and sifting through all the literature can feel overwhelming. At Addiction Treatment Solutions, we’re here to help you see clearly through that fog and find the facility that works best for you. 

Get in touch with us today to learn more about each type of facility.

Drug Addiction Intervention

drug addiction intervention

Drug addiction is a disease that knows no bounds. The slow drip of devastation it causes works not only to destroy the user but it chips at the soul of those who love that person dearly.

Imagine the scenario; you’ve brought a new life into the world. You’re a parent holding them while they cried. Nurtured them for years. Got them on their own two feet and made sure to pick them up whenever they fell down. Bought new clothes when they grew out of old ones. Drove them to school and picked them up. Watched their successes and comforted them in defeat.

Then, as if overnight, something changes. They’re acting differently. More distant. Colder. The behavior becomes more and more erratic. They’ve veered far, dangerously far, off the course you’d hoped they’d follow. There are mood swings. Missed events. The ceaseless chase for their drug of choice replacing anything else they previously cared about.

Just like that you’ve changed from parent to spectator. You’ve become an innocent bystander, watching the structure of this person you’ve created tear itself apart.

You can be anyone, not just a parent; friend, brother, aunt, colleague, etc. the helplessness you feel as drugs consume your loved one is very acute and very real.

What can you do? Turn to Addiction Treatment Solutions of course! 

What Is A Drug Addiction Intervention?

You can intervene.

It’s possible to take some control back and help.

The Association of Intervention Specialists defines intervention rather simply, they call it an opportunity to interrupt a person’s destructive life patterns. In a nutshell, that’s absolutely what’s happening. The “interruption” comes in the form of a planned event with family, friends and a licensed counselor that is run by a professional interventionist.

It is as serious as it gets in terms of creating a memorable and profound event for the addict, where the ultimatums will carry the most weight. The idea is for family and friends to shine a light or, perhaps better put, hold a mirror to help expose the depths of their addiction and the havoc it’s causing in their own life.

The truth of the matter is, sometimes people need a push in the right direction and an intervention can accomplish just that.

When Is an Intervention Needed?

Unfortunately, there’s not a hard and fast answer to this. Everyone is unique and each addiction has its own unique set of circumstances and motivations.

By the time you’re considering an intervention, it likely means you’ve already come across a substantial number of red flags in the drug use habits and conduct your loved one is exhibiting. You’ve likely noticed their behavior shift dramatically. That their brain doesn’t seem to work the way it used to. Their appearance has maybe changed drastically by now. Maybe you’ve had conversations with other friends and family already.

All these things are signs that you’re probably reaching the point of seriously considering the next step and setting the stage for an intervention.

How to Do an Intervention

Once you’ve made the call to move forward, working out how to do an intervention is the next step. The Mayo Clinic outlines the important steps in staging an intervention:

  1. Make a plan
  2. Gather information
  3. Form the intervention team
  4. Decide on specific consequences
  5. Hold the intervention
  6. Follow up

Hearing from those closest to them about the damage their drug use is doing not only to themselves but to those around them could prove to be the revelatory experience an addict needs. Coupling that with cut and dry consequences for not accepting help and an intervention may just be what finally gets them into treatment.

If it’s something you’re considering, know that it’s worth it, the success rate of interventions is the 80-90% range.


Addiction Treatment Solutions Can Help

At Addiction Treatment Solutions, we understand the nuances of addiction. We also understand that it can be particularly difficult to get someone addiction treatment help. Get in touch with us today at Addiction Treatment Solutions and we can help connect you with the right intervention specialist to learn if it’s right for your loved one and to guide you through the process if so.

Pros and Cons of Co-ed Drug Rehab

co-ed rehab

After making the brave and life-changing choice to get yourself started down the road to sobriety and into an addiction treatment program something funny happens; a world of possibilities opens up before you to explore. Addiction treatments of all types and kinds catered to your individual needs. It’s truly a beautiful thing to discover, but in spite of the robustness of options, in the back of your mind, you’re left wondering about certain things. It may seem trivial but whether your treatment is gender-specific or a coed drug rehab, is a huge thing to consider when making a decision.

What Is a Coed Drug Rehab?

Mixed-gender addiction treatment, also known as a coed drug rehab, is just as it sounds. It’s a co-ed treatment where you’re in a facility that accommodates both men and women. It’s certainly possible to find success in both environments, but it’s crucial to consider the positives and negatives before settling on a treatment center.

Pros of Coed Drug Rehab

  • Diversity of perspective – Men and women are inherently different which oddly enough highlights some of the sameness with which addition affects us. It’s good to learn that not only are you not alone as a man or woman dealing with addition but that both men and women deal with the scourge of it. 
  • Real-world preparation – The world is full of people from both sexes and being able and willing to address your battle scars in the company of the opposite sex, when you’re at your most vulnerable, is a powerful testament to your strength and would serve you well when treatment is finished. 
  • Improved relationship with opposite sex – Similar to real-world preparedness, while addiction can be borne from issues with the opposite sex, listening and learning from them can ultimately shed some light on your own history and help you work towards improving your relationships with those of the opposite sex more broadly


Cons of Coed Drug Rehab

  • Inability to open up properly – Having the opposite sex in close proximity may make you uncomfortable or could cause you to develop feelings of being exposed to the point that you aren’t able to open yourself up. That could significantly impede your journey through recovery.
  • Possibility of romance (if you identify with being heterosexual) – Kind of a no-no in rehab, romances with those in treatment have the potential to cause issues with your program and are highly discouraged. The issue here is that patients will focus more energy on the budding relationship than on their recovery. The risk of this is naturally higher where both men and women are together all the time.
  • Triggers – Simply being near the opposite sex can trigger you due to past experiences coming to the surface in recovery. One note; there are certainly cases that absolutely warrant gender-specific treatment like those that involve some type of sexual abuse as a trigger, for example.

Deciding What’s Best for You

There is a lot to consider when looking at the landscape of addiction treatment options available to you but at the end of the day, the most important thing is your peace of mind. What is going to put in the best position to succeed in your recovery goals? For some, it could be a big net positive to be in a co-ed treatment facility and for others, it might cripple their efforts.

Know that making this decision isn’t something you have to do by yourself, Addiction Treatment Solutions is a free service that can help you through this process. Our dedicated team can help match you with a treatment program, mixed gender or gender-specific, that best fits the needs of you or your loved one. Contact us today to learn more.

Finding Addiction Treatment: Near Me

Addiction is a serious disease. Whether you’re addicted to drugs, alcohol, or both, the best thing you can do is seek professional help. You can’t quit alone and more importantly, you shouldn’t have to do it alone. One of the best parts about treatment programs is having the support of others who know exactly what you’re going through.

It can also be detrimental to one’s health to quit using drugs or alcohol alone. Certain drug withdrawals can cause serious health complications or can even be fatal. The first step to seeking treatment is establishing if you’ll benefit from it. 

Who Needs Addiction Treatment?

There are a few questions you can ask yourself to help determine if you need addiction treatment. If you answer yes to at least one of the questions below, you may want to seek professional help.

  • Have you tried unsuccessfully to quit using drugs or alcohol?
  • Do you feel like you can’t have fun unless drugs and alcohol are involved?
  • Is your drug or alcohol use harming your relationships with friends and family members?
  • Have you been messing up at school or at work due to drug and alcohol use?
  • Have you ever broken the law to get money for drugs or alcohol?
  • Have you been arrested as a result of your addiction?
  • Have you ever overdosed?
  • Does the idea of running out of drugs or alcohol scare you?
  • Have you ever taken one drug to get over the effects of another?
  • Have you ever tried a drug without knowing what it is or what it will do just to get high?
  • Do you want to stop using drugs or alcohol but don’t know how to? 

Addiction manifests in many forms. While the questions above aren’t a definitive yes/no “I need treatment” checklist, it’s a good start to get you to self reflect.

How Can Addiction Treatment Benefit You?

If you do decide to seek treatment, there are several ways it will help you. For many people, going to treatment is actually the only way to enter recovery. 

  • Detox: Detoxing from drugs or alcohol is very difficult. Detoxing can affect you physically and mentally. Most people who try to quit without the aid of a detox program can’t handle the process and end up using again. If your treatment program requires you to detox, this will be the first step of treatment. There will be medical professionals guiding you every step of the way making you as comfortable as possible. 
  • One-On-One Therapy: During treatment, you’ll work with a mental health professional on a one-on-one basis. In these sessions, you’ll get to the root of your addiction and find out what led you to become dependent on drugs and alcohol in the first place. When the cause is uncovered, you can work to treat whatever led you to addiction in the first place.
  • Group Therapy: During group therapy, you’ll sit with other clients in treatment, listen to their stories, and also share your own. Listening to other people who are in the same situation as you can be very beneficial during your recovery process.
  • Family Therapy: It’s not uncommon for addiction to affect your relationships with those you love. If you are going to be successful in your treatment, you’ll need a strong support system when you go home. You can work on resolving your issues with your family and repairing your relationships during family therapy sessions.
  • After Care Services: Completing treatment is just the beginning of the recovery process. After care services include sober living, continued therapy, 12-step meetings, etc. These things will help you stay sober when you go home or start a new life post treatment. 

What Program Will Work For Me?

The program that will work best for a person depends on them. Everyone’s addiction is different. Some people can be successful in their recovery through an outpatient program, while others need intense 24/7 treatment plans. Different treatment facilities offer different levels of care. Luckily there are trained professionals who can help you determine your course of treatment.

Addiction Treatment Solutions

Addiction Treatment Solutions wants to help you figure out the level of treatment you need to start recovering from your substance abuse. We’re a free addiction treatment placement service designed to help those struggling with addiction find the right treatment program for them.

Addiction Treatment Solutions offers a comprehensive matching service that helps with admissions, transportation assistance, insurance verification, and care management. Everyone is different, and everyone’s addiction is different. Addiction Treatment Solutions will look at you and your addiction as an individual, and help you find the best treatment plan.

We offer treatment placement for detox, residential inpatient treatment, PHP, IOP/OP, and sober living options. If you are ready to take control of your life, give us a call today. We can help you start a new life that is healthy and substance-free.

How To Help a Loved One Struggling With Addiction

Addiction is one of the most frequently overlooked medical conditions in the healthcare system. There’s a perception that somehow issues related to addiction are not the same as other medical concerns. This is not the case. Addiction is a disease and it’s important for society to recognize how serious it is. One of the major impacts that addiction and drug abuse will have is that it tends to take other people down with it. Other people are impacted by a single person’s struggles with addiction. If you know someone struggling with addiction, we’d like to share some ways you can help them. 

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a medical condition where the body is conditioned to believe that it needs something, like drugs or alcohol, to survive. If someone suffers from an addiction to alcohol or drugs, they’ve tricked the pleasure sensors in the brain. The brain believes it needs those pleasure centers to be triggered by drugs or alcohol on a regular basis in order to feel alive. These are the pleasure sensors that release neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. These are the chemicals that make someone feel good. Aside from drugs and alcohol, other habits that can be addictive are gambling, food, and sex. 

The reason not everyone who’s engaged in the above becomes addicted is because some people’s brains are more resistant to this rewiring. Some people might not even find these activities to be pleasurable. 

How to Tell if Someone is Suffering From Addiction

If someone is having issues with an addiction, the signs and symptoms often show up in the collateral damage. One way addiction and drug abuse is going to impact someone is professionally. They’ll often be unable to focus in a setting where they don’t have access to drugs or alcohol, resulting in a poor job performance. Many people who suffer from addiction will actually lose their jobs.

Addiction impacts relationships. An addict’s old friends might fall by the wayside because that person spends all of their time getting high. It’s common for addicts to make new friends who are also addicted to drugs or alcohol while in the throws of their addiction. 

An addict’s family also is affected by their drug or alcohol use. As financial difficulties start to manifest due to the person’s addiction, family tensions run high. Family members are also going to get upset because their loved one is not spending any time with them. The addiction has totally consumed their life and everything else has been sacrificed. While it’s common to get angry, it’s important to remember that your loved one needs help and isn’t being hurtful intentionally.

How to Help a Loved One with Addiction

If a loved one is struggling with addiction, it’s important to be there for them. Let them know that they’ll never be abandoned. Knowing that they are not alone can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of addiction treatment. Then offer resources to help. This could include a shoulder to cry on, meals, or even access to a hotline. This is going to help someone start the process of recovery.

It’s important to ask for help from trained professionals. Friends and family members are going to be integral to the recovery process; however, it’s just as important to rely on help from objective, medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of addiction. Like the addictions themselves, treatment options come in many shapes and forms. It’s important to find the resources that are right for someone’s addiction treatment needs.

Start With us at Addiction Treatment Solutions

At Addiction Treatment Solutions, we provide an addiction treatment placement service free of charge that assists individuals and families struggling in finding the right treatment for their needs, 24/7. We provide a comprehensive treatment matching service that includes admissions, insurance verification, transportation assistance, and care management that will be with you during the entire duration of your treatment program. If you or someone you know is looking for help with addiction, feel free to contact us today to learn more about how we can help you. We would be honored to help you with your addiction treatment needs.