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What Is a Sober Living Home in California?

On the journey from substance abuse to sobriety, a person goes through many transformations and transitions along the way. There are shades of grey in the process just as there are in everything else in life. While the steps themselves can be explained distinctly, i.e. detox to inpatient to aftercare, they flow into each other.

Nowhere is that transition clearer, and potentially more game-changing, than sober living homes. After a stay in an inpatient facility, you’ve gotten used to spending your days fully focused on recovery. Between counseling, group therapy and whatever else your program entails, you haven’t had much, if any, interaction with the real world.

You can maybe see the predicament at this point.

Before treatment, you likely had some toxic influences or something that led you to substances. If you go right back to those conditions after rehab, full of potential triggers, you’re not giving yourself the best shot you can at maintaining that sobriety you just worked so hard for.

Luckily, the great state of California is home to an abundance of sober living homes which make that last transition easier to handle.

Sober Living Homes Explained

What exactly is a sober living home though?

On a basic level, it’s a group home which is free of substances. A place where people who are going through the same things as you all live together under a set of general rules that vary from home to home.

While rehab equips you with a lot of tools that will guide you through tough scenarios, putting yourself right into the line of fire and going from treatment straight back to your former day-to-day is a tough task and it increases the risk of relapse tremendously. 

That’s where the importance of being with people who understand what you’re going through comes into play and it can’t be understated. Not everyone truly gets what recovery is or how it works. Friends and family, while caring and loving, may not get it. Worse yet, you might find yourself surrounded by folks who lack empathy for what you’re dealing with entirely. At a sober living home, everyone knows what you’re going through and can offer support.

Sober living homes also are places that you can come and go from as you please. A marked difference from inpatient care. If you need to go to work, that’s ok. Activities you’ve planned, no problem. It’s your home, albeit a temporary one. But since it’s your home you’re expected to take care of it and yourself. That means cleaning, chores, etc. whatever you’d do if living on your own. This helps you set up a routine that you can carry with you going forward.

The reason for all of that is accountability. You have accountability to the people you’re there with, the home itself and, most importantly, yourself.

Additionally, a sober living home is a continuation of your treatment, just in a less intense fashion. Participating in some type of treatment is often a requirement when living in a sober living home. Whether that be outpatient care, a 12-step program or something else, you’ll be continuing the process of cementing sobriety as a foundational part of your life.

Who Should Go to a Sober Living?

Sober living homes are generally a great option and resource for anyone but they’re especially beneficial for people just getting out of an inpatient program. They provide a strong support for the lessons learned in rehab and facilitate the fostering of connections and friendships with people as committed to sobriety as you are. 

At the end of the day, a stable, drug and alcohol-free environment gives you a great shot at a successful recovery. If that sounds like something you’d benefit from, get a hold of us at Addiction Treatment Solutions and we’ll help you find the California sober living home that’s right for you.

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